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Mystic Dreamer Tarot


This woman sits on her throne, waiting for the next great conversation or problem that needs solving. Her sword is ready and sharp, and she is most comfortable when she can use it.

This queen knows a lot, from personal experience, from extensive reading, as well as from observing life around her. She can, if she wishes, chat with anyone about almost anything. She can fit comfortably in almost any situation. She can see the big picture surrounding a problem and can tactfully but forthrightly give a solution. She loves to help and share what she knows. She enjoys intellectually stimulating pursuits and makes a good, loyal, and interesting friend. However, she can appear to lack affection or emotional warmth; some find her intimidating and unapproachable.

If reversed, this queen is cold, judgmental, and harsh. While extremely smart, her gifts are tarnished by pain and bitterness; she tends to use her knowledge and her tongue to cause unnecessary pain.

Use your intuition

  • She dresses in black,m but sits among colourful flowers. Why?
  • What do the mountains behind her represent?

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